Koala Khronicles 2 - The Noosa Legends Of Gnarnia

2014 · PG · Surfing

A longboard surf film shot entirely in Noosa Heads Australia during the Noosa Festival of surfing.

Directed by: Taylor Larison

Featuring: Dean Petty, Brett Caller, Josh Constable, Taylor Jensen, Ricky Cunningham, Nathan Strom, Richie Cravey, Noah Shimabukuro, Tory Gilkerson, Karina Rozunko, Jackson Winter, Mark Sharp, Thomas Bexon, Kaimana Takayama, Mick Rodgers, Mitch Surman, Jerry Swearingen, Lola Mignot, Mele Saili, Cuts Doloro, Makala H Smith, Tara Franz, Matthew Dalton, Jake Bevan, David Arganda & Pete Johnson

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