Secret Sound Underground

2013 · PG · Surfing

Film makes the memory, digital exploits a moment. These are film maker Jack Colemans words about his latest surf journey, Secret Sound Underground. His third independent film shot throughout Japan, Mexico, California, Brazil, and Indonesia. Stars Creed McTaggart, Ozzie Wright, Andrew Doheny, Alex Knost, Ford Archbold, Mitch Coleborn, Ellis Ericson

Directed by: Jack Coleman

Featuring: Timmy Reyes, Mitch Coleborn, Ozzie Wright, Jared Mell, Alex Knost, Conner Coffin, Alex Gray, Chris Ward, Creed Mctaggart, Andrew Doheny, Ford Archbold, Ellis Ericson, Jason Salisbury, Beau Foster, Mason Ho & Rob Rachado

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