Shark Park

2006 · PG · Surfing

After years of looking for the next Mavericks or Cortes Banks, the Santa Barbara, California-based filmmaker Greg Huglin found a wedge of heaving, terrifying reef just outside the one-mile exclusion zone surrounding the Channel Islands National Park. Featuring Carlos Burle, Chris and Dan Malloy, Rusty Long, Garrett McNamara and Don Curry.

Directed by: Greg Huglin

Featuring: Rusty Long, Dan Malloy, Chris Malloy, Mark Healy, Bennett Williams, Carlos Burle, Chris Brown, Chuck Patterson, Don Curry, Eric Akiskalian, Evraldo 'pato ' Teixeira, Garett Mcnamara, Jamie Sterling, Jed Tucker, Jim Marshall, Kealii Mamala, Shawn Alladio & T

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